Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Its my last day in Egypt and I want to take home some gifts for a couple of friends , so I decided to go to the mall . I asked at the front desk of the King Tut Hostel what would be a nice mall to go to and they told me Arkadia Mall . The Arkadia Mall is the largest shopping mall in the whole Cairo Egypt . It does not only consist of 500 stores but it also has a huge amusement park with video games . I wish we had malls like this one in New York . I bought a couple of items . I got my friends each a small hookah sculptures which was cute . Hookah is a water pipe use in Egypt to smoke tobacco .

I also got myself some belly dancing clothing . Its like a scarf you tie around your hips with gold coins on it to make noise . I couldn't wait to go back home and tell my friends all about my trip . I'm really looking forward into coming back . http://www.tripwolf.com/en/guide/show/603160/Egypt/Cairo/Arkadia-Mall


From Museums to a cruise ride along the Nile River its time for some tanning at the beach. I drove down to the Beach Red Sea Coast. O what a beautiful beach , the sand was colored tan and the water was clear . I saw my toes perfectly .
 Down at the Red Sea Coast there was many to do ,there was a variety of fishes and plants that you can enjoy by doing scubadiving. Not only can you go scuba diving but you can also go kite-surfing and windsurfing .  http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/beachvacations.htm

Monday, October 4, 2010

Nightlife Fun

Nile Cruise at the Maxim - Cairo
I had a long day viewing The Step Of Pyramid now its time to enjoy some nightlife in Egypt . After I got back to my hostel  I got up and ready for some night fun in Egypt . I decided to go on the Nile River Cruise . Its a 2 hour dinner on a cruise along the Nile River . I got to see the view of  Cairo's illuminated skyline . The food was awesome , I had a Grilled Chicken with herbs, served with rice and vegetables .

They also had some entertainment on the cruise . After I was done eating I sat back for a belly dancing show , boy those girls sweeped me off my feet . When I get back home I'm signing up for some belly dancing classes . http://www.nilerivercruise.com/

The Step Pyramid Of Saqqara

As soon as I finished my breakfast I drove off to see The Step Pyramid Of Saqqara . The Step Pyramid Of Saqqara was the first pyramid constructed in Egypt . My enterance fee was 60LE , however $1.00 ( U.S money ) equals $5.5LE .My first thought was " So if I lived here I'll be rich " .  Around the steps they had a couple tombs surronding it . The Steps Of Saqqara was built by  Imhotep for King Djoser . It was so hot that even with my shades on , the sun still bothered my eyes . Thank God I packed alot of water in my bag .

" WOW ! " was the only thing running thru my head , Its amazing how humans can put together such a wonderful piece of art . To top it off I got to ride a camel , which was awesome . Due to the fact that I wasn't allowed to see some of the tombs , they let me ride a camel . Its nothing like horse back riding , its a totally different experience . The camel of so bumping and smooth , yet very slow . I felt like the camel was walking 2 miles per hour .
http://www.world66.com/africa/egypt/cairo/day_trips source 2- http://www.videosurf.com/step-pyramid-of-saqqara-244972


After a long day exploring Egyptian museums I booked a room at the King Tut Hostel located a few steps from the Egyptian Museum and Nile River in downtown Cairo . This hostel is considered one of the best hostels in Cairo . However it was really cheap , I booked my room for 4 days and only paid $ 53 . 71 without taxes and apart from my flight . I wasn't expecting cable tv nor Wi-fi , however the offered  that and much more .

        The breakfast was free and the breakfast room was decorated as Abraic tent . They also had international phone lines so it let me get in contact with my family and friends . I was pleased with the service and couldn't wait til the next morning to continue exploring egypt . http://www.easytobook.com/en/egypt/cairo/cairo/king-tut-hostel/ source 2 - http://www.kingtuthostel.com/Facilities.htm